Holts made a range of mineral water, Stouts & Ales. It is recorded they also owned a shipping vessel to transport their produce over seas. Of interest is the Guinness’s Extra Stout Bottle Label.
All their bottles and labels showed the image of a Lighthouse and it is thought that is why the Lighthouse Pub is so named.

Later advert, date unknown:
Images of more memorabilia can be found here.
Some of the Brewery Employees inĀ photo below are :
Mr Mercer, Mr Ken Bale, Mr Ford, Mr Bill Foster, Mr Freddie Faulks, Mr Albert Dyer, Mr Ernest Brown, Mr Stan Hurley, Mr Baulch. Can you help us identify anyone else?
An answer for the question asked by Keith Osborne can be found on the Labology.org.uk site. This is the International Society of Label Collectors & British Brewing Research site. They list the two, purple and red as the only two produced by Holts, both for the 1953 Coronation. They may be the “Royal” colours perhaps? Des Parsons.
Thanks for the info Des.
I live near the Lighthouse , after reading your article I looked on Google Earth and found markings and indentations on the grass of old buildings in the Lighthouse car park at the Marine Drive end, showing presumably where the brewery actually stood.
Thanks for your observation Mike. I just had a look and I’m sure that’s entirely possible. The area you mention would have been alongside the old railway line.
Can anyone tell me about the Coronation Strong Ale brewed by Holts?
Amogst my collection of beer labels, I have two labels – identical except for the colour. One is purple and the other maroon.
Were they both for the 1953 Coronation or was one issued in 1937?
Hi Keith,
Sorry Keith I don’t have the answer your question just yet but hopefully someone may.
Thanks for your interest and sorry for the delay in my response.