A little information about this school has recently come to our attention. It appears that it was an offshoot of taunton High School for Girls established at ‘Digwood’ on the Esplanade at Burnham. Kelly’s Directory places this at No 52 and 56 the Esplanade, which is in Catherine Terrace. The adverts below are from the Burnham Gazette of 1928 and show that it also included a kindergarten and the Burnham Tutorial College and School for Boys.
There is some documentary evidence that the name was at some point changed to Sandacres. One might speculate that this was due to the Rapps becoming independent of Taunton High School.
There has been a recent public post on facebook by Colin & Di Dawes requesting information about the school and we would echo this plea. They posted the photograph below which is believed to have been taken sometime between 1925 and 1931.