
NSLHG meetings

The Next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting on September 11th, all members welcome.

Programme 2024 – 25

The membership fee remains at  £10 a year and there is a £5 per session charge for visitors.

Collected news clippings from  ‘This week in the news – Somerset news stories from the past 250 years ‘ here. (Unfortunately that website is no longer functioning so there will be no further updates).

Site updates and other information 

Oct 2023

Does anyone have any additional information about these two WWII evacuees?


An item about a Monmouth-inspired riot in Hunstpill in 1687 has been added here.

More Ordnance Survey maps added here.

A bit of new information has emerged which might shed some light on the naming of the ‘Royal Marine’ Tavern in High St. Any other information abiut this would be welcome.


A retrospective local press report for Burnham in the year 1903 has been added here.

A small press report about snow storms inMarch 1891 has been added to the Storms and Floods page.

A new picture of the inside of International Stores after the 1973 refurbishment has been added to the bottom of the Regent St page.

A page of Carnival entries in the 1950s has been added here (linked from Carnival 1950s page).

A 1960 item about the Steart Island Swim has been added to the swimming page.

Additional recollections of Fereddie Fay’s Frolics have been added here (bottom of page).

There is a new page of pictures of the Round Tower here.

The PLACES MENU has been reorganised to collect more items under sub-menus and so reduce its length. The additional sub-menus are Attractions (Gardens etc), Churches, Historic Industry and Lighthouses. All items on the menu  are now alphabetical.

Some memories of a local builder from the late 1920s have been added to the Building Trade section here.

A new page has been added about Cox & Cox and can be found on the People / Well Known Traders menu.

Some recollections of a landlady have been added to the Crown Inn page.

The Customs House page has had some recollections of Mr Harry Ward’s daughter added.

New information about Burnham Fire Brigade between the wars.

31st December 2023 – 8th anniversary of the crash landing of the B17 Flying Fortress on Burnham beach.

Jan 2024

Post WWII recollections added to the Football page.

Harry Farthing’s recollections of lifeboat launching have been added here.

Some memories  have been added to the bottom of the Manor Gardens page.

Memories of an employee of Thomas’s hairdressers have been added here, linked from the High St page.

A new page on Farthings beach traders has been added to the People / Well Known Traders menu.

Take a look at our new page on Bus Services.

Additional information about staff memories of the War Memorial Hospital added here. Also accessible via the ‘Other’ menu.


A new page about Town Bands has been added. This combines new information with material  previously on the ‘Other Diversions’ and ‘Musical Entertainments’ pages.


There is an addition to the Law and Order page – a story of a double suicide in Huntspill, 1868.

A new page has been started for St Joseph’s R.C. School. Hopefully more information will be forthcoming from this.

Menu change: Due to difficulties displaying the growing sub-menu  ‘Schools’ has been moved from the ‘Places’ menu to the ‘Other’ menu, which is probably now a more appropriate place.

Additional items about Edithmead have been added to ‘Around and About’.

More menu changes: The ‘Other’ menu has been reorganised so that a number of the items can now be found under a ‘Public Services’ sub menu; the ‘Carnivals’ sub menu has been moved from the ‘Other’ menu’ to the ‘Sports & Pastimes’ menu; the ‘Wartime’ page has been split into separate pages for Boer War & World War I and World War II.

Back to Home page

13 thoughts on “News”

    1. Hello Hugh,

      You should have an email from my personnel address title captureburnham. We can now correspond here now.

      1. Hi John, its Bruce (Peter Yards son)
        We have some very large maps that used to belong to “Kim” Kimber the boat builder. He was a friend of my Nan and Grandad and they had them. They are in a very old wartime type folder, and very large and heavy.
        From memory they are war era and show all the things in the channel around here. Possibly mapped out by Kimber himself.
        If you are interested in these then please contact me and we can arrange to get them to you.
        Thanks Bruce
        ps: These are i think of very important local historical interest

        1. Hello Bruce,
          Thanks for thinking on me and yes I would like them please for my history group use.
          I have contacted you via our personnel emails to arrange collection /delivery.
          thanks again,

  1. Good morning thank you for such great work in this fantastic website! How can I get in touch with you as I am currently writing a presentation on paradise and Burnham which I will eventually make into a documentary and would appreciate your knowledge i also have some fascinating information which I have discovered hope this gets to the people who make this website possible

    1. Hi Philip,
      Thanks for expressing your appreciation of the website and your interest. John Strickland will get in touch with you via your email address.

    2. Hello Philip.
      As I’ve not heard from you I thought maybe another try via my email address.
      We have an avid interest in how the area known as Paradise came about as there is many references to this name on maps and areas.
      I will send you an email with he heading Paradise in the hope that we can correspond more.

  2. Hi

    Just doing family history research and while I knew I was born in Burnham, have finally worked out it was in the orginal Kinver Terrace block and have been able to match a few family snaps as taken here before we moved ‘up north’. If of any use for your site do let me know. I’m not sure it would have looked so grand back in the 1950s mind you!

    1. Thanks for your comment Simon. We already have quite a lot of photos of Kinver Terrace itself, do you have any photos significantly different to those of the town already on the site?

      1. My dad’s photos are mostly of us as a family in the back yard, on the beach etc. I could put together a page of bits and bobs but none of us are famous! Sorry for delay replying, things happened! Simon

        1. Thanks for your reply Simon. However it sounds as though your photos would principally be of interest to family members rather than the public in general. We can really only give space to photos which illuminate aspects of the town itself or are of well known local people so we would not be able to use them but thank you for your interest.

    2. Hello Simon,

      My first Home was in Flat 3 Kinver Terrace. I was born in May 1949 in what was the Lulworth Nursing Home – later The Lulworth Guest House and now a private residence on the Berrow Road opposite the junction with Westfield road .

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