In order to stimulate exploration of the website we have compiled a list of questions, the answers to which can all be found on the site. Unfortunately there are no prizes (other than self satisfaction that is).
1. What is the connection between the Lifeboat Restaurant, the Adult school in Adam St, and the Jubilee Fountain in Sea View Rd?
2. Burnham had one (or maybe even two) just like William III’s at Hampton Court. What and where?
3. What was Burnham’s lifeline from Cheltenham which John Godfrey Morris put an end to?
4. Who was Burnham’s celebrated Mayfair cake-maker?
5. Burnham once boasted a cathedral. Where was it?
6. Y-99=?. (this lady might be too hot to handle)
7. Burnham had its own Majuba, probably the site of a few sporting battles. Where could it have been?
8. This fresco artist was no DaVinci, but then Leonardo probably couldn’t ride a penny-farthing.
9. Where was Burnham’s famous concrete castle (the summit of concrete construction at the time)?
10. Join the club to see a model of a landmark which once stood on the same site near Burnham. What was it?
11. Who was Burnham’s celebrated grower of prize orchids?
12. This frolicsome fellow used to be a big attraction on the beach.
Good luck!