Mounting Steps & Stables

Stables B&W web

There is no mention of this stable anywhere in the St Andrew’s Church records. We do know there was a stable of some form here by 1841. Its location suggests that a small plot of land was either bought or given to the Church for the building of a stable to house four horses. Local people were expected to walk to Church each Sunday and at one time regular attendance was compulsory, enforced by a system of fines.

The Parish was much larger than today and the stables and mounting block were provided for the use of those living on the outer boundaries who had been given special permission to ride in to the Services. The Stable was probably originally thatched and it still has a cobbled flooring which was characteristic of this area as it made a firm surface but also allowed water to drain away rapidly. The cobbles probably came from Steart Island as in the 19th century there was a regular trade of Steart Island pebbles to Bridgwater.

In 1875 the Chief Constable of Somerset wanted a lock-up provided for penning wandering animals. This building probably served this need but in 1884 complaints were made of a cesspit at Tregunter’s stable yard.

31. St Andrews Church mounting steps JRS040

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