
Burnham Gazette 01/02/1941:


The funeral took place on Wednesday of Mrs Louisa Hines who passed away at 8 Sunny Lawns on Saturday at the early age of 43 years. Mrs Hines was an evacuee coming from The Notting Hill district of London. The internment in the Burnham cemetery following Requiem  Mass at the Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart. Father Denis Foran officiated. The immediate mourners were Gunner Hines (son) Misses Kathleen & Sylvia Hines (daughters) and Mrs Hall & Mrs Sullivan (friends). The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr J Harris, undertaker, Cross Street, .

Burnham Gazette 09/08/1941:


Many schoolchildren attended the funeral on Tuesday of a 15 years old evacuee, Florence Rose, who passed away in the Burnham War Memorial Hospital on Friday last. Florence, who was evacuated to Burnham from Bermondsey about a year ago had never enjoyed good health, and had been three times in hospital. Of a loveable disposition she quickly won the affection of her foster parents, Mr and Mrs F King of 34 Abingdon Street and she were popular with the teaching staff and scholars at the Melior Street R.C. School with whom she was evacuated to Burnham. Every sympathy is felt for her parents who have themselves been bombed out, and for Mr & Mrs King, as well as for the little girl’s parents.

Requiem Mass at the Church of the Sacred Heart was said by Father D Foran, who also conducted the committal at the town cemetery. The remains were enclosed in a coffin of unpolished elm, the inscription reading Florence Rose. At rest August 1st 1921 (sic) Aged 15 years.

The immediate mourners were Mr & Mrs Rose (parents): Miss Nora Rose (sister: MR & Mrs King (foster parents):Mrs F Hazzard (friend): Miss Norris (headmistress of Melior Street R.C. school):Other members of the teaching staff and the little girl’s schoolfellows attended.

Beautiful floral tributes were sent from the following Mr & Mrs Rose (parents): Nora Rose (sister):Maureen & Kath Rose (sisters) : Mr & Mrs Archer (grandparents):Messrs Henry and James Archer (uncles):Mr & Mrs King Foster Parents) Ron & E Jenkins. Staff and all the children: Allan and Moira:Paul, Rachel: Mr & Mrs Hall, family, and Kitty, Eileen, Mary and Ray:Mr & Mrs Redman and family:Aunty Hazzard: Miss Buncombe: London and Burnham friends.

The funeral arrangements were entrusted to Mr J Harris, Cross Street, Burnham


Mr & Mrs Rose and family wish to thank their many friends for kind enquiries, messages of sympathy, and beautiful floral tributes sent in their recent bereavement. Also to Mr & Mrs King “for their kindness to their child under their care and for having her little body at their home until the funeral.”

Research: Alan Wheway 

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